To make the gathering enjoyable for everyone, some agreements have been made. Are there any points you miss or would like to discuss? Please get in touch with us.
The gathering itself is vegan. Therefore, please do not bring any animal products.
There is no space for racism, sexism or any other forms of discrimination.
The campsite is alcohol- and drugs-free, please respect this.
Preferably, do not bring a dog. If you do take one with you, only do so if the dog is not causing any trouble (for example: barking) and if the dog is good with other dogs.
The gathering has been created for and by the movement. Help with that: do you see rubbish or something that is broken? Please clean it.
If anyone is unwilling/unable to abide by the points mentioned above, we reserve the right to refuse entry to the gathering or remove that person from the gathering.
During the gathering, there will be a conflict team to whom you can turn to discuss events, unsafe situations and the like.
Apart from the above, there are also still COVID infections. Over the summer of 2024, the number of infections has even increased. Therefore, in the interest of everyone, we ask you to follow the guidelines below.
We follow the guidelines of the RIVM.
Do not enter individuals' personal space unwanted.
Windows and doors in the spaces/toiletbuilding will stay (partially) open for proper ventilation.
Face masks and COVID tests are available at the first aid post. Preferably, bring your own as well.
If you test positive or have symptoms consistent with COVID, we ask that you follow the RIVM guidelines and inform someone from the organization.
Visit the first aid post immediately if you have (severe) symptoms.
During the gathering, a first-aider (as well as a crisis team) will be available at all times to discuss any health situations.